On 11th February, the meeting of the Follow-up Commission on the consequences of nuclear testing was held at the (French) Ministry of Health under the chairmanship of the Health Minister.

Follow Up Commission Meeting

This commission that was established by the Recognition and Compensation Law of January 2010 meets twice a year (except when there are political interferences such as elections or cabinet reshuffles).

Jean-Luc Sans as a member of this commission by decree of the Prime Minister was representing AVEN and more broadly all veterans affected by nuclear testing in the Sahara and French Polynesia.

After comparing the list of illnesses recognized by UNSCEAR and those recognized by the French Law, the commission decides to add two illnesses to its list: biliary tract cancer and gall-bladder cancer.

After an input by Jean-Luc Sans, it is planned that the next meeting of the commission will make a decision on other illnesses such as pancreas cancer and pharynx cancer, so as to harmonise both lists.

The Health Minister and the Director of the National Public Health Agency confirm that nuclear veterans are entitled to the medical follow-up intended for persons at risk under the Social Security Code.

The representative of the Minister of Defence confirms that it is planned to establish a specific medal for nuclear test veterans.

The next meeting of the Follow-up Commission is set for next September.

Jean-Luc Sans